Tuesday, May 11, 2010

WTC & 9/11: Part Three

The concrete did not behave as concrete has in the past. Under great stress it crumbles and breaks. It has not been known to be pulverized until now. But the pictures show the buildings giving off massive clouds of very fine dust. 425,000 yards of cubic concrete when into each building. Almost all of it was reduced to dust. The pull of gravity would have broken most of the concrete into fairly small pieces, but it would not have reduced the concrete to tiny pieces of dust. It has been estimated that ten times the energy generated by gravitational pull would have been necessary to create the enormous dust cloud from the North Tower. Another strange thing is that that cloud was emitted in the first second or two of the North Tower’s collapse—before much momentum was gained. At that point, concrete slabs would be hitting one another at the momentum of 30 miles per hour at best. It should be noted that the first dust clouds came from far above the plane impact zones. According to the official theory, laid out in Popular Mechanics, the pan caking should have begun with the first floor above the impact zone. Yet, observers noticed that the collapse of the South Tower began well below the impact zone.

The dust or powder appeared within ten seconds of the collapse. No one has proven it was produced by mechanical means. That leaves the possibility of explosives.

Aside from the three WTC buildings, no other buildings framed with structural steel have ever, anywhere, come completely down as a result of fire. . Why did it happen this time? Frank Di Martini, an engineer at the WTC, said the buildings were designed to withstand airplanes crashing into them.

The melting point of steel is 2700 degrees. A jet fuel fire cannot exceed 1800 degrees. The fires dispersed fairly quickly and were not intense at any given spots for very long. Experts think that at some places it as 1300 degrees for a period. Sophisticated advocates of the official “pancake” theory avoid saying the steel melted. Rather, it buckled and somehow always buckled in directions to facilitate a perfect pancake- like effect

Even if this were true, one would expect something other than what resulted, piles of debris a few stories high. Even if the jet fuel fires somehow defied the laws of physics and got up to 2700 degrees, they would not explain the molten steel found in the pits. Burning steel does not bend or break, it runs like a very thick syrup. In the basement of each building there was molten metal that had to be created by something other than burning airplane gasoline. Molten steel is found at demolition sites at points were explosives were used to cut steel. Peter Tully, head of one of the clean-up firms, talked about seeing large pools of molten steel. An engineer said that 21 days after the attack, the fires were still burning and molten steel was still running.

In all three buildings concrete was pulverized and steel beams were thrust out horizontally. The energy created by gravity was not enough to accomplish this. Moreover, photographs of the falling buildings show many metal projectiles going out horizontally at great force. This suggests detonations and explosions. According to the pan -caking advocates, the weight of one concrete floor falling onto another will pulverize concrete and send steel beams out horizontally. However, they do not provide a satisfactory explanation of how gravitational energy, which is vertical, could eject beams substantial distances. The horizontal ejection of steel beams is also a characteristic of demolitions. In the World Trade Center, some beams were ejected 500 feet.

ABC News reported a week later that the temperature at the core or pit of the two buildings was 2000 degrees Fahrenheit on September 18. . Six weeks later, the firemen thought the temperature at the core was about 1500 degrees. In perfect conditions, jet fuel can burn at 1520 degrees. That is not enough to melt steel. The pictures of the burning towers show heavy black smoke, indicating that the fires were oxygen deprived. That means that the gasoline was burning at considerably less than 1500 degrees. Yet, weeks after the attack, molten steel was found in the three buildings. So called “meteorites” were also found, fusions of steel and concrete. Months later, in February, 2002, a crane removed a beam that had dripping molten steel. There was something far more powerful than imperfectly burning aviation fuel.

One sign of controlled demolitions is that the buildings come straight down. To achieve this result, the demolition has to be very thoroughly planned. On 9/11 the buildings in the World Trade Complex came down with this kind of precision, but we are asked to believe this occurred purely by happenstance. The two largest buildings, each 110 stories, came down in a way that perfectly mimicked controlled demolitions.

Buildings brought down by demolition come down at almost free fall speed because the support structures on the lower floors had been taken out first, eliminating resistance to what was coming down from above. If the official “pancake” theory were true, the lower floors would have been there in some form or other to complicate and slow the fall of the higher floors, most effected by damage from fire and plane crashes.

FEMA scientists observed that the transmission tower atop the World Trade Tower shifted and began to move downward before there was any observable movement in the building below it. If the core columns were somehow cut first, this makes sense. This cannot be explained according to the pancake theory.

The top block of thirty-four floors on the top of the South Tower behaved strangely. They tipped and rotated toward the part of the building damaged by the plane. That part is not odd. But then the rotation stopped and they went straight down. According to the law of the conservation of angular momentum they should have kept going and ended up well outside the footprint of the building. The law continues that the angular motion would stop only if the object was acted upon by some torque. Then it gets stranger still; it then became powder in mid air, creating a huge white cloud.

If no explosives were used, neither tower should have come down in a pancake like manner. The South Tower should have toppled toward the corner where it was hit.

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